About BGM

Go-to-Market strategy and company-level value-building is the foundation of Business Growth Mechanics (BGM), the result of decades tackling and simplifying complexity,  building businesses and rescuing others to multi-$Billions, which evolved skills, methods and a style that are embraced by start-ups, businesses seeking growth and scale-up, and mature corporates.

BGM challenges norms and deconstructs assumptions that limit potential, re-forming for success in future horizons, across time and across value chains of interlocked ecosystems.

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Global Sales Transformation Leader

“…by far one of the most professional consultants I have worked with in my career… analytical skills, broad industry knowledge and methodology expertise, and board-level insights… a high value advisor and consultant to any business.”

Global M&A Lead, EY

“…insightful, responsive and connected… valuable, trusted and engaged… crucial in bringing together a large group internationally at EY and in qualifying and preparing us for success in pursuing major opportunity.”


CEO, ScaleUp Legal Tech Firm

 ...hands on, active, helping our business achieve, even in our first year, the objectives and goals we have set out - steep, audacious and necessary ... an honest, kind challenger, always in context with wisdom...”

Cyber Security Lead, Deloitte

“a total focus of strategic vision in a challenging period… consummate matrix stakeholder skills tested to extreme… dedication to deliver a win recognised by numerous units contributing… great advocate and contributor to executive groups.”